
Osorkon VII, Pharaoh, XXIInd Dynasty
to the Lady Bast, cat goddess
Temple of Bast, c. 700 BC

I make thee thanks                 Thou inspirest the
  I give thee thanks                 shadowy place
For the parts of                   Thou goest before
  thy body be unto holy              in the hall alone
Thy muzzle like unto               Thou goest against the
  the Delta of Egypt                 enemies of Pharaoh
Thy whiskers like unto             Thou puttest thy fear
  the papyrus tassel                 in the granary
Thy eye like unto                  Thou makest the serpent
  minishing veils                    to be expired
Thy eye like unto                  Thou makest the rat
  phases of the moon                 to be no more
Thy ear like unto                  Thou makest the stores
  listening of a sea shell           to be fortified
Thy ear like unto                  Thy claws like unto
  hearing of a temple bell           the harvest sickle
Thy forepaw like unto              Thy bite like unto
  the delicacy of a flower           the gate of pain
Thy forepaw like unto              Thy kicking like
  the sanctity of a virgin           unto violence
Thy back like unto                 I make thee thanks
  the river's flow                   I give thee thanks
Thy stomach like unto              Thou seekest after the
  the deep well                      member of Osiris
Thy hindpaw like unto              Thou givest Oxyrhynchus fish
  the rearing stallion               to take care
Thy hindpaw like unto              Thou givest Mormyrus fish
  the lion's haunch                  to take care
Thy tail like unto                 Thou makest thy home
  the shadow of a date palm          in the heart
Thy fur like unto                  Thou makest the
  the gentlest balm                  spirit of Pharaoh glad
Thy purr like unto                 I make thee thanks
  the contentment of Maat            I give thee thanks
I make thee thanks                 The missing place is thine
  I give thee thanks                 Thy forgotten place
Thou thrillest night               The lost place is thine
  when thou goest into it            Thy unseen place
Thou makest alliance               The secret place is thine
  with the moon                      Thy hidden place
Thou fillest the                   The unknown place is thine
  darkness with care                 Thy holy place

Dennis Saleh